Buy Alpha Ep

'Alpha' EP (2107): 

Lyrics by Niels Thybæk-Hansen


1. Kill the Marshalls
2. Rosehip Garden
3. Restless
4. Omega 

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Kill the Marshalls
© NORÐ (2017)

They’re marching side by side
they’re gonna save the world with guns
They’re lashing sword by sword
they’re gonna bring us peace with war

They pay life by life
they carry only brothers home
Unwilling – young soldier
bloodspilling – marshalls’ killing spree

They lie - we die
They lie - we fucking die

We’re fighting to survive
machines and domination
Our children – dressed in fear
our future crushed by lust for might

Our culture – a joke to you
we’re dying in captivity
Unwilling – young soldier
Blood spilling – marshalls’ killing spree

They lie – We die
They lie – We fucking die

Stomping heads. Treading old footsteps

Stop the march!
Stop the march!
Kill the marshalls!
Stop the march!

They pay life by life
they carry only brothers home

They lie – We die
They lie – We fucking die

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Rosehip Garden
© NORÐ (2017)

The power that fills you
rushing through your bloodstream
The power that blinds you
Showing you what you want

Sun shining eternally
The dark clouds have vanished
A parallel reality
Where you will lose yourself

You must keep coming back
Drawn by the fire
No force can stop you now
And tonight

You must keep coming back
Drawn by the fire
No force can stop you now

Off you go
Don’t turn back
Enter the rosehip garden

It’s taking you over
Controlling your body
Controlling your thinking
Telling you what to do

Ice melting eternally
The white frost has vanished
A parallel reality
Where you will lose yourself

You must keep coming back
Drawn by the fire
No force can stop you now
And tonight

You must keep coming back
Drawn by the fire
No force can stop you now

Off you go
Don’t turn back
Enter the rosehip garden

A blurry filter
Pulled over your eyes
A psychotic case roaming free

Blood is boiling
Sap is rising

Powerful scent
Getting you high
Heavy breathing, humid air

Blood is boiling in the veins
Sap is rising

Powerful force
Laying you down
Intoxicated again
Intoxicated again

Blood is boiling
The sap is rising again

with the flow
Follow your own instinct
Immerse yourself in love

with the flow
Follow your own instinct

You must keep coming back
Drawn by the fire
No force can stop you now
And tonight

The rosehip garden

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© NORÐ (2017)

Running to reach the goal
Nothing is fast enough
No satisfaction until death

Only perfection counts
Is making you suffocate

Look around and you’ll see
The bigger picture
Who are you to define

More endless thirst for success
Enthroned alone in your kingdom

Loosing the grip
Final call
Succumb to your restless soul

Look over your shoulder
Who’s there behind you
Only your shadow’s here now

Human relations
Cost benefit
Follow your orders
Keep your eye on the crosshair

Your vision of the truth
Is blocking your view
Who are you to decide
Right from wrong

More endless thirst for success
Enthroned alone in your kingdom

Loosing the grip
Final call
Succumb to your
Restless soul

Stop and stare at the past
What difference did it make
When your body breaks down
And your mind’s gone narrow
Where will you be turning
When all of the bridges
They’re fucking burning!

More endless thirst for success
Enthroned alone in your kingdom

Loosing the grip
Final call
You’ll forever be

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© NORÐ (2017)

Species evolving
New mutations
Superior race

Walking among us
Taking over
The new world order

We will strike back
Resistance must endure
Unite and fight
Defend our right to be

It’s so human
But killing wont save us
When they conduct

Now I’m attaching magnets to their heads
to know if they are real
Wires connected to flesh and bones
A new breed of mankind

Tissue sorrounds the metal core
They’re imitating human emotions
Tricking us to obey

In slavery
Humans will be held
Until the day
They need us no more

Extinction comes
Taking the weak first
Praying to survive

We must strike back
Resistance must endure
Unite and fight
Defend our right to be

It’s so human
But killing wont save us
When they conduct

Now I’m attaching magnets to their heads
to know if they’re real
Wires connected to flesh and bones
A new breed of mankind

sorrounds the metal core
They’re imitating human emotions
Tricking us to obey

Come close

Fall down

All things must come
To an ending

The end

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Broken (unreleased track)
© NORÐ (2017)

Broken body, dissolved mind
Syndrome of abuse
Unable to gain new insight
Unable to see

Decapacitated will
Blindfolded and weak
The craving is pulling the strings
Gets the final say

Mind-expanding abuse
Keeps igniting the fuse
Energy in advance
Blown away in a trance

Telling yourself every day
This time is the last
Tomorrow a new life begins
You will take control

When the hit reaches the brain
Endorphin release
Intentions are slowly erased
Gone is the new life

Mind-expanding abuse
Keeps igniting the fuse
Energy in advance
Blown away in a trance

Invincible power
Floating above the ground
Blurry faces
Words are blowing in the wind
Melting fingers
Covered in broken glass

Numbness is your only friend
In isolation
Solace you seek to avoid the
Judgmental faces

Unable to connect to
Anyone outside
Only like-minded understands
The pain of the need

Mind-expanding abuse
Keeps igniting the fuse
Energy in advance
Blown away in a trance

Invincible power
Floating above the ground

Invincible strength
Shaking the room around
Invincible urge
Lighting the fire again
Blurry faces
Words are blowing in the wind
Melting fingers
Covered in broken glass
Taking the last

NORÐ: 'Machine Blood' (2022):

Lyrics by Niels Thybæk-Hansen


1. Prologue
2. Left Behind
3. Fear Reigns
4. Depleted Soil
5. The Swordsman
6. The Run
7. Endless Stream
8. Seasons Erased
9. Law Of Jante
10. Machine Blood
11. Epilogue

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Left Behind 
© NORÐ (2022)

A storm rises on the sun
The surface raging in flames
Unforeseen auroras appear
Casting shadows of evil
A magnetic foretoken
Of the silent apocalypse

Don’t look back
Save yourself

The power grids will short-circuit
Transformer stations malfunction and burn
Darkening cities around the globe
Supply chains breaking in a state of emergency

Desperation leading to anarchy
Survival of the fittest will be

Beacons are ablaze

We’re depending on systems
To protect and to feed us
State monopoly on violence
And just in time production
A fragile social structure
Artificially kept alive

Don’t look back
Save yourself

Who can you trust in the darkness
Disserted streets and a lurking danger
The only light is the burning law
Everyone can be a potential enemy now

Desperation leading to anarchy
Survival of the fittest will be 

Beacons are ablaze

We can survive
We will perish


Who will you save now?

Paddling through the flooded city
With broken windows in every building
Frightened glances behind the curtains
In the eyes of those who are gonna be left behind 

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Fear Reigns
© NORÐ (2022)

The walls of the parliament
Are disintegrating
The bonds of humanity
Are hanging by a thread

Philanthropy is replaced
by piling up the wealth
Suspicion and greed

Fear reigns, fear reigns, fear reigns
Earth quakes
Distrust grows
The battle lines are drawn
The weapon is brainwashing

Ideologies collide
Without a compromise
Thousand years of traditions
Is stronger than the mind

Freedom of speech is replaced
by precaution to speak
Division in race

Fear reigns, fear reigns, fear reigns
Earth quakes
Distrust grows
The battle lines are drawn
The weapon is brainwashing

Somewhere in time
Distant from here
The race of the humans will fail

Distrust will grow
Out of control
Mankind crawls back into the caves

A compound
To protect your own kind
Narrow down

Becomes the only goal
Every man
For himself

Fear reigns
Trust dies
Nowhere to

Fear reigns
Trust dies
Hiding alone
in the darkness
in the darkness

Hiding alone
in the darkness

Fear reigns, fear reigns, fear reigns
Earth quakes
Distrust grows
The battle lines are drawn
The weapon is brainwashing


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Depleted Soil 
© NORÐ (2022) 

The price
of life
The price of life
is the soil under marching hordes of man
moving out
to new territories
laid to rest
are the species we don’t need
see the trace of death
chopping down
every grove on our way
burn it to the ground
it’s the price
you will pay if you’re in the way
see the trace of death
Seeds made of flesh
beneath blackened dirt
and watered with human blood
Death from beneath
grows out of the ground
from depleted soil
Withered souls
under black sunlight
we are paying the price
of the years with excessive consumption
all the curtains are falling now
did you think you’d be saved from the lethal revenge
or did you plan to
run away
look again
human natural downfall
see the trace of death
Seeds made of flesh
beneath blackened dirt
and watered with human blood
Death from beneath
grows out of the ground
from depleted soil
Dead fingers crossed
tormenting the remains
impoverishing nutrition
and stabbing down
the weeping earth
The trace of death

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The Swordsman (2022)

And now the ocean’s frozen
so he can walk on water
and now his heart is frozen
so he cannot get no harder

He’s picking up his sword
the swordsman rises
he’s picking up his strengh
the swordsman ablaze
The battlefield awaits
the swordsman rises
he’s here to touch the sky
the swordsman ablaze

Leaving his loved ones behind
leaving the elder and the youth
he is facing all his fears
believing in a higher truth

He’s picking up his sword
the swordsman rises
he’s picking up his strengh
the swordsman ablaze
The battlefield awaits
the swordsman rises
he’s here to touch the sky
the swordsman ablaze


Draw swords, move on, get ready
Keep fighting, no mercy
Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!
Keep fighting, no turning back

A new enemy approaches
Swords replaced by guns and bombs
Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn!
Holy fighters ruled by god

Hate is born
Fear is born


And now he's heading home
Crestfallen and in spirits low
No noble enemy

Face covered cowards blowing up
8 Taking the innocent with them

He's laying down his arms
The swordsman retreating
He's losing faith in honour
The swordsman returns
He's laying down his arms
The swordsman retreating
He's losing faith in honour
The swordsman returns

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The Run
© NORÐ (2018)

Dusty highway
Roaring engine
Tumbleweed surf

Lonesome trucker
Wandering mind
Absent eyes on the road

Out of control
Mindless speed
Roadside disaster ahead

Lazy smalltown
Slapping the wife around
Endless boredom
Punching to fill the void

Blindfolded wife
Iron grip
Try to escape
Sweaty palms

Out of control
Mindless speed
Roadside disaster ahead

Give it the full
Diesel injection

Smalltown ahead
No one in sight
Pedal to the metal

Out of control
Mindless speed
Roadside disaster ahead

Arms and legs tied
Trying to break away
Window crevice
Light cutting through the dark

Squinting to see
Anyone there?
Deserted street
No one around

Out of control
Mindless speed
Roadside disaster ahead

Broken glass
Blood on the fist
Broken heart
Run for you life

Dominion lost
Violent lurch

Fearful eyes

Blood on the street
Mixed with dirt
Screeching metal, tissue torn

Who will survive?
How does justice work?

Justify this
Justify this
How does this justice work?

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Endless Stream
© NORÐ (2022)

Walking through the days
Sliding past disasters
Some distant radio voices
breaking down the news
Just change the channel and slip right into your
Emotional apathy

So many
new oppertunities
to close your eyes to the world

It’s in your pocket
But never in your heart
The endless stream makes you numb
Turn the other cheek
Select your content and unlike the pain
New lows to human nature

So many
new oppertunities
to close your eyes to the world
turn it off
set your mind

Your choice
Your chance
Relate to reality

How strong is your will now?
Who is controlling you?
Or the screen?

The human mind is
Bound to addiction
can’t wait

for the

look up
open your eyes
broaden your outlook
your empathy
free yourself
from your mind

Your egocentric self
Don’t ever loose your connection
New standards arise
Reality will become science fiction
And you’re directing the plot

So many
new oppertunities
to close your eyes to the world
deny the information
allow your leader’s to lie
and swipe when you’re bored with it
turn it off
set your mind

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Law Of Jante 
© NORÐ (2022)

Get off the stage
You’re not a star
Don’t kid yourself to think you’re worth anything
So shut your mouth
We don’t want to hear
Don’t fool yourself to think you smarter than us

Don’t kid yourself
8 To think your part of the group
8 You’re just another parvenu

This is the law
The Law of Jante my friend
Obey the law
You’ll never qualify for the finals
You’ll always be the last in line

Don’t laugh at us
We’ll laugh at you
Don’t fool yourself to think you’re more than we are

Don’t kid yourself
To think your part of the group
You’re just another parvenu

This is the law
The Law of Jante my friend
Obey the law 

You’ll never qualify for the finals
You’ll always be the last in line
You are an outcast and nothing else

Don’t forget
To submit
As of now
You’re subordinate
Bow your head
Know your place
Obey the law
Law of Jante

We’re whispering behind your back
Turn around and face the facts
Bow your head
Know your place
Obey the law
Law of Jante

Stay off our midst
Don’t think you belong
To us
Bow your head
Stay the fuck away
Obey the law
Law of Jante 

Bow your head
Obey the law
You’re fucking useless
You make us sick 

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Machine Blood
© NORÐ (2022)

When all systems shut down
and processors burn out
it’s memory meltdown
and all screens turn black

When all wires are dead
and connection is lost
it’s binary failure
and all screens turn black

No one can stop your
melted plastic
viscous flood
cover your artificial soul
until you bleed machine blood
forever bleed machine blood

Laws of nature
Arresting the unnatural

And so the battle begins
dominion is the prize
as Wall Street collapses
and transactions fail

Human nature unfolding
as panic fills the streets
respirators’ last breath
and now darkness falls

No one can stop your
melted plastic
viscous flood
cover your artificial soul
until you bleed machine blood
forever bleed machine blood

Laws of nature
Arresting the unnatural

When the mainframe is sending out the warning
New algorithms will be spreading out
A desperate attempt to prevent disaster
When it is already too late

A flawless system
A pure machine
Forever awake
never die

Circuit boards connected
Software running the world
Stealing our independence
Until the day
The hammer falls
Electricity is taken away
all we have left is
nothing but
black screens

No one can stop your
melted plastic viscous flood
cover your artificial soul
until you bleed machine blood
forever bleed machine blood

Laws of nature
Arresting the unnatural

Laws of nature
Arresting the unnatural

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